Because phlebotomy is the most efficient method of lowering the hemoglobin and hematocrit levels to the reference range, all newly diagnosed patients are initially phlebotomized to decrease the risk of complications. Patients can be phlebotomized once or twice a week to reduce the hematocrit to less than 45%.Click to see full answer. Also asked, how does phlebotomy help correct polycythemia?A phlebotomy is often the first treatment for polycythemia vera. During this therapy, your doctor removes blood from your vein. The goal is to lower the number of your blood cells. After it’s done, your blood will be thinner and flow better.One may also ask, can I donate blood if I have polycythemia vera? As a Polycythemia Vera patient, you can not give blood to the Red Cross. You can go to blood centers where they will accept blood from a PV patient for what is referred to as “therapeutic phlebotomy”. You will need to check with the respective blood center in your area. Also, how often can you have therapeutic phlebotomy? Those who benefit from phlebotomy may require the procedure a few times a year or every 3 – 6 weeks. The time will vary from one person to another.How often can you have a Venesection?The frequency of the venesection treatments is different for everyone and is performed according to one’s condition. At first you may require up to weekly venesections. When your blood levels are under control you may only require the venesection every six to twelve weeks.